Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton Camp No. 273 was awarded the Robert E. Lee Award, Division Outstanding Camp of the Year, the M.C. Butler Award, Division Recruiting Award, Bob Slimp was awarded the John Albert Broadus Awared, Division Outstanding Chaplain and the Legionary was "Second Place" in the Ambrose Gonzoles Award, Best Newsletter!
Both the Wade Hampton Camp on the right and the Secession Camp #4 in Charleston on the left were winners at the State Convention.
The two Camp Commanders,David Rentz,Secession Camp and Jeff O'Cain Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton are shaking hands in this group photo.
The Secession Camp won 1st place in the Ambrose Gonzales Newsletter Award.
They won the Convention Attendance Award to our second by one delegate 12 to 11.
Randy Burbage, our ANV Councilman, of the Secession Camp was awarded the most prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor the Division can bestow on a Division member.
Camp delegates from left to right are: Jeff O'Cain, Don Gordon, Rusty Rentz, Richard Johnson, Earl Eargle, Bob Davis, Farroll Gunter, Theron Krell and Tom Elmore of the Palmetto Camp who received one of the new Wade Hampton Awards.
Not pictured were Tim Manning, Eddie Killian who was a part of the Division Color Guard and Jim Shirley.
The Secession Camp was last years recipient of the Robert E. Lee Award.
They were also awarded the Heritage Award for the recovery of the last remaining soldiers and sailors beneath The Citadel's Johnson Haygood stadium.