
The Flags of the Hampton Legion
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Hampton Legion

1st National pattern - presented November 20, 1861 - Camp Lee, Bacon Race, Virginia - by Major Connor on behalf of the "Ladies of Matanzas", Havana, Cuba - via the blockade runner "Theodora" - Captain John N. Maffitt

Washington Light Infantry
Company A, Infantry

Made by Miss M.H. Ancrum and the Sisters of the Academy of our Lady of Mercy - for her brother, color bearer James H. Ancrum, Jr. - Presented at Institute Hall in Charleston, SC - by Colonel T.Y. Simonton


Claremont Rifles
Company G, Infantry

White and gold silk with gold trim and natural color embroidery - Presented January 1861 - by Dr. Nelson Burgess - Statesburg, SC

SC Confederate Relic Room, Columbia, SC

German Volunteers
Company H, Infantry
Company B, Artillery

1st National pattern and German colors - Presented September 1861 - At the hall where Secession Ordinance was passed - by General J.A. Wagner on behalf of the "German Ladies of Charleston" - Received by Captain W.K. Bachman and entrusted to color bearer Anton W. Jager

Confederate Museum, Charleston, SC

Edgefield Hussars
Company A, Cavalry

Blue silk over a cotton center with gold trim - The Hussars originally formed in 1833 - Joined the Legion May 8, 1861 - Led by Captain Matthew Calbraith Bulter

Oakley Park, Red Shirt Shrine, Edgefield, SC

SC Zouave Volunteers
Company H, (2nd), Infantry

A square of blue and white silk, gold trimmed - embroidered by "the Nuns of Columbia" - Presented October 29,1861 - Congaree House, SC College, Columbia, SC - by Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, president of the college, on behalf of the "Ladies of Columbia" - to color bearer William G. Gardner


Beaufort District Troop
Company C, Cavalry

1st National pattern, bunting with random stars- Presented shortly after joining the Legion - Random stars may symbolize the individual sovereignty of each State in the Confederacy

SC Confederate Relic Room, Columbia, SC

Source: The Flags of the Civil War South Carolina by Glenn Dedmondt

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