The Battle of Sappony Church
Other Names: Stony Creek Depot
Location: Sussex County , VA.
Date: June 28, 1864
Principal Commanders:
Major General Wade Hampton [CS]
Major General William H.F. "Rooney" Lee [CS]
Brigadier General James Wilson [US]
Brigadier General August Kautz [US]
Forces Engaged: Cavalry Divisions
Estimated Casualties: 1,817 for entire raid (US)
Result: Confederate victory
Major General William H.F. "Rooney" Lee's cavalry division pursued Wilson's and Kautz's raiders who failed to destroy the Staunton River Bridge on June 25.
Wilson and Kautz headed east and, on June 28, crossed the Nottoway River at the Double Bridges and headed north to Stony Creek Depot on the Weldon Railroad. Here, they were attacked by Major General Wade Hampton's cavalry division.
Later in the day, William H.F. Lee's Division arrived to join forces with Hampton, and the Federals were heavily pressured.
During the night, Wilson and Kautz disengaged and pressed north on the Halifax Road for the supposed security of Reams Station, abandoning many fleeing slaves who had sought security with the Federal raiders.
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