
- Hunley Funeral -
April 17th, 2004

Hailed as "the Last Confederate Funeral"
the solemn funeral procession and burial service
of the tragic and victorious final crew of the
H. L. Hunley, Commanded by Lt. George E. Dixon.

The first Submarine to sink an enemy combatant vessel in naval history.

- The Funeral Procession up East Bay Street -

- Cassions and C.S.A Medal of Honor -

- Magnolia Cemetery -

- Honor Guard and Pallbearers -

- The Long Gray Line -

- A part of the 9,000 Reenactors present -

- The Funeral March to the Graves -

- Mourners paying their last respects -

- Their final resting place -


Lieutenant George E. Dixon

Seaman Arnold Becker - Quartermaster Lumpkin
Seaman Frank G. Collins - Corporal J. F. Carlsen
Private J. Miller - Boatswains Mate James A. Wickes

Quartermaster Joseph Ridgaway

- Crew Memorial -

- Photos by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Frazer, Roland Sheler and Layne Waters -

- More Galleries -

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