
The 2007 Lee - Jackson Banquet

Evening begins
with the
Invocation by

Camp No. 273's
Chief Chaplian,
Rev. Bob Slimp

Color Guard
Lead by
Eddie Killian and
Danny Gregory
presents the colors.

Camp Commander,
Tommy Rollings
and Legionary editor
Paul Graham
with their lovely ladies.

~ left ~
Randy Burbage, SC Div Comd.,
Jeff O'Cain, Past Camp Comd.,

~ Right ~
Chris Sullivan Nat'l Comd.
Tommy Rollings, Camp Comd.

Guest and Compatriots enjoy conversation and a fine meal.

Toasts to Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson by:
~ Right ~
Past Commander Don Gordon
to "Lee"
~ Left ~
Past Commander Jeff O'Cain to "Jackson".

Kevin Dietrich
Officer of the Year.
Jim Nettles
1st ever Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton Award.
J.B. Hensley
Member of the Year

~ left ~
National SCV
Chris Sullivan
~ Right ~
Guest Speaker
State Senator
Danny Verdin

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