Misc. Photos

     Real Son James Brown

With Past Camp Cmd. Jeff O'Cain in Hot Springs last year. At 98 Compatriot Brown attended every business session and evening events. He had his 83 year old "girlfriend" with him. He looked Jeff straight in the eye and said,"Ain't she a hottie!". He also plays 9 holes of golf every week.


Robert (Doc) Spigner, Past Camp Cmd. marches in a lieutenant surgeon's uniform
carrying the sword his great grandfather carried while he served the Confederacy

New Camp
Color Guard Box
made by compatriot Robert Spigner

Ricky Badger
and Jim Neetles
cleaning up Fort Irwin
for B.F.C.2008

Flag in Scotland

Soccer Game Glasgow
Layne Waters and
Paul Graham with
The Master of Lodge
St. John Muthill No. 192
Established in 1795

"High Water Mark"
3:30 PM ~ July 3rd, 2006
Adjutant Waters' Home


Bill Frazier
tending his ancestors grave.

Brattonville 2004

Some of our Compatriots
took part in this event.
Some did not survive.
R.I.P. Sam Brown

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