Wade Hampton, III
Memorial Service
- March 20th, 2005 -

The Centeral Council of the SCV and the Hampton family invited everyone on Sunday March 20th at 3:00 PM to attend
a memorial service for State Legislator, Lt. General, CSA, Governor and U.S. Senator, that great South Carolinian
Wade Hampton, III held at The Keenan Chapel, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal, the Hampton Momument on the
S. C. State House Grounds and Millwood Plantation.

Service Program 1
Service Program 2
State Article

- The Keenan Chapel, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal -

The call to worship and prayer
by Chief Chaplian Bob Slimp.

The Eulogy was given by
Past Commander Don Gordon.

Joe Long of the Confederate Relic room
read from a 1902 Hampton letter to his
former comrades in arms.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and
when he is old, he will not depart from it".
Pro 22:6.

- The Cemetery, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal -

The parade of flags to the grave site.

Color guard before Hampton crypt.

Bob Slimp leads the assembled in singing
"Amazing Grace" accompened by
Chaplain Ed Wilkes on the bagpipes.

Major Terry Gatch of 2nd SC Cavalry
re-enactors, discusses their activities
in honor of Gen. Hampton.

- The Hampton Monument, S.C. State House Grounds -

One hundred plus people gathered on the S. C. State House grounds before the impressive bronze
equestrian statue of Wade Hampton to hear tributes from members of the Hampton Legion.

Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hampton Oliver
and their chidren and grandchildren
with other members of the Hampton family.

Mrs. Ellen Oliver, Mr. Wade Hampton Oliver and
Lt. Gen Wade Hampton Camp
Commader Jeff O'Cain.

- The ruins of Millwood Plantation -

Members of the Hampton/Oliver family graciusly shared stories of their
ancestor Wade Hampton, III before the impressive ruined columns of his
home, "Millwood" which was burned by Sherman's army in 1865.
(See below)

A conjectural rendition of Millwood c. 1838.
Because of it large floor to ceiling glass windows,
Millwood was refered to as "The Versailles of the South".

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