Wade Hampton, III
Memorial Service
- April 8th, 2006 -

The Centeral Council of the SCV and the Hampton family invited everyone on Saturday April 8th at 3:00 PM
to attend a memorial service for State Legislator, Lt. General, CSA, Governor and U.S. Senator, that great
South Carolinian Wade Hampton, III held at The Keenan Chapel, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal
and the Hampton Momument on the S. C. State House Grounds.

- The Keenan Chapel, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal -

The call to worship and prayer
by Chief Chaplain Bob Slimp.

Past Commander Jeff O'Cain
welcome all attending.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and
when he is old, he will not depart from it".
Pro 22:6.

U.D.C. Ladies in period mourning wear and
assembled SCV members and guests
sing hymns of remembrance.

Rev. Bob Slimp

Mary Clare Johnson

Ed Wilkes

Paying Respects

- The Cemetery, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal -

Honor Guard and guests assemble at the grave site.

Color guard before Hampton crypt.

- The Hampton Monument, S.C. State House Grounds -

Dispite the rain a dedicated group gathered on the S. C. State House grounds before the impressive bronze
equestrian statue of Wade Hampton to hear tributes from members of the Hampton Legion.

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