Wade Hampton, III
Memorial Service
- April 25th, 2015 -

Saturday at 2:00 PM,
A memorial service for State Legislator, Lt. General, CSA, Governor and U.S. Senator,
that great South Carolinian Wade Hampton, III was held at The Keenan Chapel,
Trinity Episcpal Cathderal and the Hampton Momument
on the S. C. State House Grounds.

~ Program ~

- The Keenan Chapel, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal -

Camp Chaplain Emeritice Bob Slimp introduced
the guest speaker Rep. Kirklman Finely

Rep. Finely spoke on his Great Grandfather's
contirbutions to South Carolina.

The Amick Junction Band playing
"The Ashokan Farewell"

Camp Chaplain Walter Linder
gave the invocation

- The Cemetery, Trinity Episcpal Cathderal -

Honor Guard and guests assemble at
the grave site.

Flowers were laid on Hampton's crypt.

Camp officers lead assembled guests in
singing "Amazing Greace" at the grave site.

Group processed to the
State House grounds.

- The Hampton Monument, S.C. State House Grounds -

Dispite the rain a dedicated group gathered on the S. C. State House grounds before the impressive bronze equestrian statue of Wade Hampton for a mortar salute.

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